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sermon audio
3/22 "Changeless" by Pastor Mike, read by Sue DeHoffPsalm 102
00:00 / 20:03
3/15 "Frenemies"Psalm 38 / Acts 9: 1-19
00:00 / 25:47
3/8 "Just Plum Wore Out" by Pastor MikePsalm 6 / Romans 8:22-28
00:00 / 21:30
3/1 "Let the Faithful Pray to You, While You May Be Found", Pastor MikePsalm 32 / John 4: 3-26
00:00 / 21:16
"Divine Power and Glory" by Pastor MikeMatthew 17: 1-9
00:00 / 19:42
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